PTHSS Guidelines, Expectations, and Rules of Conduct

Guiding Principles

    The guiding principle of PTHSS is to honor Jesus Christ in all we say and do. PTHSS and its member families and player participants will conduct themselves in such a way that those who cross our path canít help but notice a difference in our lives.
As such, Romans 12:2 will be another guiding principle:
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will isñhis good, pleasing and perfect will.
Also, the name ìWarriorsî was selected for our teams, because, as Ephesians 6:10-12 says:
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.


    PTHSS is currently structured to provide an athletic program for Junior High and High School home schooled students. Junior High is defined as grades 7 and 8. High School is defined as grades 9 through 12. The following paragraphs define the specific eligibility requirements for PTHSS participation

1. A player shall become ineligible to play on any PTHSS-sponsored sport team on the next September 1 following that playerís 19th birthday

2. Normally, High School participation will be limited to eligible players in grades 9 through 12, who are 14 years of age before September 1 of the current school year. If no junior high team is offered, eighth grade students may ìplay-upî on either the Junior Varsity or Varsity teams. Students in grades 9 through 12 will have first preference over eighth grade students, In addition, under no circumstances shall a player less than 13 years old on 1 January of the current school year participate on a high school team.
NOTE: Currently PTHSS does not have a maximum limit on the years of varsity participation; however, please be aware that both public and private school sports organizations limit the years of varsity participation to 4 years, including prior competitive experience (this would likely include PTHSS participation).

3. In order to participate in PTHSS Junior High activities a student must be at least 12 years of age before September 1 of the current school year.

4. A player is ineligible to play on any sub-varsity team on the next September 1st following that playerís 17th birthday. Note: A 12th grader is prohibited from playing on a sub-varsity team regardless of his or her age.

5. A player must be living at home with a parent or guardian.

6. A player must be home schooled. "Home schooled" means that a player must be receiving his or her primary educational direction through the home AND a player must not be eligible to play that sport at a public or private school or college.

7. A player is ineligible if that player has gone through a home school, public school, private school, or Christian school high school graduation ceremony prior to that season's first game.

8. The player must remain in good academic standing and must be completing a course of study as prescribed by their parents.

9. A player cannot play on another home school, public, private, or Christian school team in the same sport at the same time as playing on a PTHSS-sponsored team.

10. If a player started the season on another home school, public, private, or Christian school team, no transfer shall be allowed in the same sport during the season without the approval of the PTHSS Board.

11. Exceptions to any eligibility requirement may be made only by express approval of the PTHSS Board.

Competition and Commitment

    The PTHSS athletic program has many objectives; however, the nature of our activities and games will be competitive. This is not a recreational sports program. Most home school support groups in the Parker and Tarrant County areas offer recreational sports activities. PTHSSís goal is not to duplicate these home school support group programs.
Because of this competitive nature of our program, we expect a high-level of commitment from our players. We understand that sports are not life. There will be times when important activities will need to take priority over PTHSS involvement. However, because we believe commitment exhibits and grows godly character, PTHSS is seeking a strong level of commitment from the players and from their parents. One thing we desire our athletes to learn is that things worth doing require a level of commitment ñ as we get older that level of commitment usually increases. Also, as our children get older they must learn that they will have to make choices in this life. How are they going to spend their time? We desire that our players learn that the American dream of ìhaving it allî is a myth. The only real way to ìhave it allî is through a relationship with Jesus Christ!

    Because of the competitive nature of our program, we will field the best team possible. We desire that all players learn, grow, and perfect their skills; however, we do not dictate an ìequal-timeî philosophy. It is expected that players that earn a ìstartingî position will see more playing time than players who do not. Nevertheless, a ìstartingî position is always open to competition and those that exhibit a Christ-like attitude, hustle, and teamwork ñ in addition to skill ñ will have a great opportunity for earning that ìstartingî position.


    Consistent with the expected level of commitment, players are expected to attend all practices and games. In addition, all players are expected to be on time for all practices and games. On-time arrival is defined to be 15 minutes prior to the announced practice start time and 60 minutes before the game start time, unless stated otherwise by the coach.
If a player must miss or be late for a game or practice, the player should personally contact the coach, as early as possible, to let him know of the situation. While there will be no immediate consequences for excused late or missed attendance, game playing time may be affected at the coachís discretion.
Respect for Authority

    Respect for authority is an important character quality taught by Christ himself. As such, PTHSS athletes are to be above reproach in this area. Players will, under no circumstances talk or behave negatively or with disrespect to umpires, opposing players or coaches, their own teammates, their own coaches or any other persons in authority.

    Disrespectful actions or attitudes during the course of a game are means for immediate removal by the coach. Warnings or reprimands from an official because of a players conduct will result in that playerís immediate removal from the game. Ejection from the game will result in that player being removed not only from that game, but for the next game as well. In addition, if a player is ejected from a game because of their conduct, the player must appear before the PTHSS board and explain his or her actions and propose a plan to correct it in the future. Disrespectful attitudes or actions during practice or other activities will be properly disciplined by the coach or other responsible adult.
1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 define the character qualities of overseers and elders within the Church. PTHSS will use these same criteria to select and retain coaches and leaders in our organization (Exception: woman may coach our girlís athletic teams). If our athletes are to be above reproach in their respect for authority, our coaches and leaders must be held to an even higher standard. Behavior inconsistent with that defined in 1 Timothy 3 or Titus 1 will not be tolerated and will be dealt with swiftly by the PTHSS board. As a minimum, coaches will be held to the same disciplinary actions as identified for our athletes.

    Parents should be role models for their children. Parents and other spectators are vital representatives of PTHSS and witnesses for Jesus Christ. Parents and PTHSS fans are expected to cheer and comment in a positive manner, encouraging and supporting all players, coaches, and officials. When the players are on the field, the coach is the responsible authority figure for that team. Parents and PTHSS fans are expected to leave the coaching to the coaches. Players become confused and frustrated when instructions are shouted from many directions. The coaches have a purpose behind their methods, and correction should be done through them. Parents are encouraged to come to as many games as possible, because support and enthusiasm add excitement to the game. Parents and other spectators should refrain from openly criticizing coaches, officials, and players. Parents should demonstrate trust and respect to those in authority at all times.

Anger, Speech, and Demeanor

    Like-wise, our words and speech should be ìseasoned with salt.î As described in scripture our ìYesî should be ìYesî and our ìNoî should be ìNo.î Cursing, using the Lordís name in vain, or fits of anger will not be tolerated. Any of these actions will result in immediate removal from games or administration of proper discipline at practice.

    As discussed above, our coaches and leaders will be held to the standard defined in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Behavior inconsistent with that defined by these scriptures will not be tolerated and will be dealt with swiftly by PTHSS board Again, in this area, we expect parents to be exemplary role models for their children.


    As PTHSS strives to honor Jesus Christ and be salt and light to the world, it is imperative that we maintain a disciplined organization. Proper discipline to single incidents of inappropriate behavior has been addressed above. With the Christian young people and adults that are expected to be a part of PTHSS, we would never expect to have to deal with recurring incidences of this type; however, if an athlete or coach continues to display unwillingness to change, blatant disrespect for authority, or attitudes and actions that are contrary to the PTHSS Christian philosophy, that athlete or coach will be removed from the team at that time.

    An athlete may be dismissed from a team due to: 1) an uncoachable or uncooperative attitude, or 2) an act or deed that harms the Christian testimony of the team and / or PTHSS.

    A single incident involving a coach or other PTHSS leader displaying inappropriate behavior (as defined above) during a PTHSS event will require that person to appear before the PTHSS board and: 1) Explain their behavior, 2) Seek forgiveness and reconciliation from the organization and any offended party, and 3) repent and present a concrete plan for ensuring the behavior is not repeated. A second similar incident involving the same coach or leader will be cause for removal from their PTHSS position.

    As stated several times, it the goal of PTHSS to accurately reflect the character of Christ in our attitudes and sportsmanship in an ever-increasing way. Coaches will model, look for, and encourage this character. Any athlete who desires not to pursue godly character will not play for PTHSS.

Conflict Resolution

    PTHSS will use the process provided for us in Matthew 18 to deal with conflict. In the event that a player has a question or complaint, he/she first must go to the person (coach or other player) in a spirit of reconciliation and love to work out any differences. This needs to take place before a parent confronts the coach! If the problem is not resolved, the player may request a meeting with the person of conflict and the coach. If the issue is not resolved between players and coach, then a meeting with a representative of the board may be requested. If the coach is the person in conflict with a player, the player may request a meeting with his/her parents and the coach after the player has talked to the coach personally. If the athlete, coach, and parent still have issues to be resolved, then they may request a meeting with a board representative.

Uniforms, Appearance, & Dress

    Uniform fees for PTHSS will be coordinated and advertised at the beginning of each sports season. These fees may be assessed as a part of the overall registration fee or as a separate fee. The major uniform items will be purchased by the organization and distributed to the players to ensure consistency in our appearance as well as to take advantage of team discounts. Players may be required to purchase some smaller uniform items (e.g., socks, shoes, etc.) on their own. PTHSS will coordinate these other required uniform items with the players and parents; however, purchase of these items will be the responsibility of the players or their parents prior to the season. In order to exhibit team unity and a professional appearance, it is important that all players wear all required uniform items to all games. Uniforms should be freshly laundered for all games. At the coachís discretion, shirts may be required to be tucked in.

    Players should maintain a neat, groomed appearance. Hair will be neat and maintained in a short cut. Facial hair will not be allowed for the PTHSS players.

    Practice dress should be appropriate for the activity and weather.

Medical Release Agreement

    Each PTHSS member family will read, fill-out, and sign a Medical Release Agreement form. Parents will include at least two valid phone numbers for contacting them in their absence, should their son or daughter need immediate medical attention. The parents will also provide their physicianís name and contact information.

    Parents should note that PTHSS does not carry any kind of insurance. Although rare, serious medical injury can occur from sporting activities. Member families should ensure that their sons and daughters are covered with adequate medical insurance.
Guidelines, Expectations, and Rules of Conduct Agreement

    Each player and their parents, along with coaches and any PTHSS leaders, will sign an agreement form signifying that they have read, understand, and agree to abide by these guidelines, expectations, and rules of conduct.

Payment of Fees

    PTHSS is a not-for-profit organization. Competitive sports are expensive. Facility maintenance, facility rental, equipment, uniforms, and officialsí fees are only part of the expenses incurred by a competitive athletic team. PTHSS will do everything in our power to keep player fees as low as possible. Fund-raisers, sponsorships, and concession sales will all be used to partially offset PTHSS costs. Player registration and PTHSS family membership fees will be publicized each summer in preparation for the upcoming school year. In order to participate in PTHSS, fees must be paid on time. In addition, PTHSS member families are expected to participate in fund-raisers.
Special financial circumstances can be brought before the PTHSS board. It is our goal to not turn any young athlete away due to financial issues.


    Transportation to and from games and practices is the sole responsibility of the athletes and the parents.


    Birchman Baptist Church has shown great Christian charity in graciously allowing us to use their athletic facilities. PTHSS will periodically conduct maintenance and clean-up of the facilities we use. We need all PTHSS members to pitch in and help with this work. In addition, we have established a good reputation with the other organizations whose facilities we use. We want to maintain this reputation. Please be good stewards of what the Lord has blessed us with. PTHSS members will demonstrate the utmost in respect and care for the facilities we use. We will do all we can to keep the facilities clean and in good working order.

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